Liquid Finance has a multisig that governs the main smart contracts of the protocol. The multisig group is composed of 5 validators within the Archway Network.
Multisig signers are in charge of governing the upgradeability of these smart contracts, the addition/removal of multisig signers, the addition/removal of participants within the Validator set and changing the protocol’s configuration parameters.
Currently, the multisig signers also compose the Liquid Finance whitelisted validator set. This validator set receives the delegation from the Liquid Finance Stake Pool which is distributed evenly across the set.
Our multisig signers are the following:
Lydia Labs
Signer wallet: archway155yrpskd0zc4zcgxja8095ves4te5sjry8f25m
Signer wallet: archway1zttnm2cl60m5ffsrfeqtzkmtvepl4hwndgpfm5
P2P Validator
Signer wallet: archway17asaxre8kqqx7q0c4scgpaahlxjp0aqf0fswvs
Signer wallet: archway184nalnwd3tjpdc4sfw5e70ttzgkdypduj83k4p
Signer wallet: archway15xeweuucx5f30erc5934pfapywfm5uf9kczhdv
Last updated